4.9 rating

Get Started

Test 85+ Biomarkers
and get a custom
6 month plan

Get a comprehensive blood test at your local Labcorp and receive a program to help you improve any out-of-range markers.

Purchase a Plan

4.9 rating

Get Started

Test 85+ Biomarkers
and get a custom
6 month plan

Get a comprehensive blood test at your local Labcorp and receive a program to help you improve any out-of-range markers.

Purchase a Plan

4.9 rating

Get Started

Get a comprehensive blood test
and receive a custom plan to feel your best.

Test 85+ Biomarkers and get a custom
6 month plan

NEW: Get started with the Levels app for free

Purchase a Plan

How does it work?

Levels is partnering with Vitality Blueprint to offer a new lab testing experience that will go beyond what's covered in the standard metabolic panel, and offer custom diet and lifestyle interventions based on your results.

Use the Levels app to see how food affects your health. With fast, easy food logging and highly customizable habit and data tracking, Levels is a powerful tool in your health-improvement toolkit, regardless of your journey.

Calculate Vitality Score and Biological Age

See where you stand and know where you can optimize, taking all your biomarkers and health factors into account.

Get 6 months of personalized programming

Get a prioritized list of opportunities to enhance health and performance with personalized interventions designed by Dr. Andy Galpin.

Test for 85 biomarkers

Comprehensive testing across 13 functional areas of metabolic health

Purchase a Plan

How does it work?

Levels is partnering with Vitality Blueprint to offer a new lab testing experience that will go beyond what's covered in the standard metabolic panel, and offer custom diet and lifestyle interventions based on your results.

Test for 85+ biomarkers

Comprehensive testing at any Labcorp covering 13 areas health, deep metabolic insights, and more.

Calculate Vitality Score and Biological Age

See where you stand and know where you can optimize from the Vitality Blueprint dashboard, which takes all your biomarkers and health factors into account.

Get 6 months of personalized programming

Get a prioritized list of opportunities to enhance your health and performance with personalized interventions designed by Dr. Andy Galpin.

Purchase a Plan

Comprehensive bloodwork with an actionable improvement plan

Comprehensive bloodwork with an actionable improvement plan




Vitality Blueprint Pilot Program

Vitality Blueprint
Pilot Program

Vitality Blueprint
Pilot Program

Purchase a Plan - $499

Purchase a Plan - $499

Test 85 biomarkers and get access to 6 months of custom programming.

Purchase a Plan

Get access to the Vitality Blueprint Platform

Get access to the Vitality Blueprint Platform

Once your order is confirmed you'll receive an email with a link to set up your account with the Vitality Blueprint dashboard, which will eventually display your results.

Get blood drawn at Labcorp

Get blood drawn at Labcorp

After you fill out a brief demographics questionnaire, you can schedule to get your blood drawn at any local Labcorp.

Receive your performance plan

Receive your performance plan

Once your lab results are ready, you'll receive a detailed analysis that categorizes your health across 13 key functional areas. Choose from nutrition, lifestyle, and supplement recommendations designed to fit your preferences and goals.

Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions

What is Vitality Blueprint?

What is Vitality Blueprint?

What's included in the plan?

What's included in the plan?

What are the 85 biomarkers being tested?

What are the 85 biomarkers being tested?

Where is this available?

Where is this available?

How much does it cost?

How much does it cost?

What is your refund policy?

What is your refund policy?

How do I schedule my blood draw?

How do I schedule my blood draw?

Where can I see my results?

Where can I see my results?

Will my results be available in the Levels app?

Will my results be available in the Levels app?